This process is available for accounts:
wholesaler / store coordinator and sale manager

This article are about Products / Manufacturers dashboard. Explained where to add new product, manufacturer, how to list products ...

Click on the My data in the top menu to see Wholesaler / store my data dashboard
Infrastructure construction dashboard

Picture 1 - top menu

Click on the Products panel to show Products / Manufacturers dashboard.

Products dashboard

Picture 2 - My data ( Locating coordinator )

Click on the All products under Company products (Picture 3)

Picture 3 ( Products / Manufacturers dashboard - utilities types )

Products list:

To see popup window with full product details click on green detail icon

Picture 4 ( Products list )

Product details:
Product name
Product subcategory
Product picture
First model
Price of th first model
There is a blue Edit button in the top right side of the popup window

Picture 5 ( Product details)